Sep 30, 2019

OM8KT SOTA HF Activation OM/KE-002, 9/2019

SOTA (Summits On the Air) Activation
of OM/KE-002 Babina (1278m ASL, KN08FT)

on the half way to the summit..
Kralova hola (1946m ASL) the highest mountain of the Low Tatras on the left and High Tatras on the right
I used that dried up tree to install inv V dipole for 80m band as I didnt take my 10m fiberglass mast on the summit. I started calling CQ on 80m but it was almost noon and few stations on 80m band. So I moved to 40m. Although I had inv V dipole for 40m in a backpack I didnt change the antenna to save the time and I used 80m dipole with tuner on 40m. It was working quite nice.

Equipment used: Yaesu FT-891 + hand mic, LDG AT-100ProII, 17Ah battery, 80m inv V dipole @4-2m abv gnd., PWR 50W later 100W.

I logged 24 QSOs in 47 minutes.