Feb 17, 2022

VHF SOTA Failed Activation of Trzy Korony SP/PI-002

I reached the summit with altitude 981m ASL at 8:15 in the morning on Sunday February 13, 2022. One hour after sunrise. It was very windy on the top.

I was calling CQ mainly on 145.500 and also on 145.525, 145.550 and 145.575 for about 30 minutes but received no replies. I have also spotted myself to SOTA cluster of course. It was a disappointment to me. This has not happened to me yet and I did not expect that from this summit as I know there are many poland stations in the radio range. 

On the other hand I made QSO via VHF repeater OM0OVT which is exactly 100 km away. So at least I knew the radio was working properly.

I used Anytone 878 II+ with RH770 telescopic antenna. It was a mistake not to bring HF with me.

See you on the air, 73

Feb 12, 2022