Nov 20, 2022

Almost SOTA fail on Velky Milic OM/KE-017

I found out on the summit that I forgot DC cable for HF radio. This has never happened to me before. Fortunately, I made at least 5 contacts with the handheld radio and the telescopic antenna from the nearby sightseeing tower. I have to pay more attention when packing equipment to the backpack.

Nov 18, 2022

The first cold and windy SOTA before the winter 2022 on Pipitka OM/KE-005

Hike in foggy and drizzle with light later medium rain during ascent and light snowing during descent. Very windy at the very top of the summit with wind chill several degrees below 0°C. The real temperature in the saddle which is 270 vertical meters below the summit was 1°C. I forgot to check the temperature while on the summit but it must have been below 0°C for sure. I made one 50 km contact on 145 MHz in FM from handheld radio and then 23 contacts on 20m. Power 50W from 20 Ah LiFePO4 battery into 20m long EFHW installed from 2m to about 5m above the ground. I also brought with me and used 10m light fiberglass mast to raise the antenna easily to at least 5m. This mast is very thin at the end therefore it is possible to use approximately only half of its length to fix the wire. 

Nov 13, 2022

New FT8 awards (11/2022)

Here are some of new interesting awards for my FT8 activity:

900x USA callsigns, 500x JA callsigns, 50x ZS callsigns, 3x Antarctica, 100x islands